I am pleased to welcome you to my humble weblog. I’m a
recently absolved nutritionist and a fitness enthusiast who loves to share
knowledge with the world
All this being said, I would like to introduce you to the
actual topics on this newly created blog. I am mainly going to write about the
topic of ADHD and mostly ADHD in children, as I’ve experienced with my own son
that has this condition.
I’ve been studying this for quite some time and have met
many experts in the field. My son is now much better as he has followed proper
treatment. But I am sure many of the parents out there don’t even realize the
root of the problem until it is too late. So I am going to help you through a
series of articles, videos and useful pictures to correctly identify and treat
this problem that so many children have.
It was quite a shock for me to find out that ADHD manifests
through adulthood too if not treated and many adults, maybe even some of your
friends, have some type of adult ADHD.
Now I invite you to go browse through each source on this
blog and learn all you need to know, step by step.
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